CJC - City of Jersey City
CJC stands for City of Jersey City
Here you will find, what does CJC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate City of Jersey City? City of Jersey City can be abbreviated as CJC What does CJC stand for? CJC stands for City of Jersey City. What does City of Jersey City mean?City of Jersey City is an expansion of CJC
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Alternative definitions of CJC
- Catholic Junior College
- Calama, Chile
- Commission on Judicial Conduct (Washington)
- El Loa airport
- Cupertino Junior Chamber
- Commonwealth Jewish Council
- Chabad Jewish Center
View 42 other definitions of CJC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CA City of Asheville
- CMSCL CMS Computers Ltd
- CCC Central Community College
- CAA City of Ann Arbor
- CTAAE CTA Architects Engineers
- CMH Central Military Hospital
- CTB City of Thunder Bay
- CS College of the Sequoias
- CPB Central Pacific Bank
- CHI Crowe Horwath International
- CWSC California Water Service Company
- CSEC Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation
- CM City of Mckinney